Our purpose is to promote pride by bringing people together to improve the safety and quality of life of the Flowing Wells community.
Strong families living in a safe community.
CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY: We believe it is our duty to work for the good of the community by partnering and cooperating with existing civil and private agencies, supplying our energies and resources when and where possible, and drawing upon the wisdom, energies and resources of others (thus lessening the burden of government).
INTEGRITY: We will strive to solve community problems only by wise, oral, responsible and lawful means and draw upon the community members’ opinions in open meetings.
INCLUSION: We will work to protect the safety and well being of all citizens within the boundaries of the association/coalition without regard to age, capabilities, interests, health, culture, race, ethnic background, sex, political affiliation or religion.
VIGILANCE: We will be diligently alert and watchful to anticipate possibilities, and to provide information that guides community members through neighborhood issues.
SCHOOL SUPPORT: We believe that our youth are our hope for the future, and thus, schools are the centers of our community. We will encourage our neighborhood’s to support our schools.
COMMITMENT: We will develop and maintain mutually meaningful partnerships with our schools, businesses, government, and law enforcement to insure our vision of strong families living in safe a community.
LEARNING: We believe that learning is a life-long process. Thus, we will create learning communities in all of our meetings, where discussions flow easily, openly and respectfully from a desire to understand one another, as well as to accomplish our prescribed ends. We will constantly search for ways to genuinely include youth in our process, particularly in making plans and decisions about the future of our community.
EMPOWERMENT: We our passionately committed to empowering people to transform our community.
INNOVATIVE EXCELLENCE: We strive to do whatever it takes to build up our community. We are committed to relevance, change, flexibility, and excellence in all that we undertake as a community.